Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to school haircuts..

So we made a trip to one of the girls' favorite places yesterday...Sweet and Sassy. Maylee has wanted short hair for a long time, so we cut a lot off. Ella got a good cut and Hadley had her first.

I wasn't sure how Hadley would react, so I came armed with plenty of M&M's. At Sweet & Sassy they always get to pick a lollipop after the haircut, but I went ahead and let Hadley have hers right off away. It was so funny when they put her in the chair she had the sucker in her mouth (they have a really long stick). When the put the drape around her, she didn't realize she could use her hands to hold the lollipop stick, so she sat there the whole time with that stick sticking straight out. It was so stink'en cute! When they were finished, she didn't have much of that sucker left!

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