Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Spaghetti O's

Lately I've been making our own spaghetti O's, just b/c I found the right pasta and I can make it without the high fructose corn syrup and all the other junk they can pack in a can. Thought I would share. Here is what you need...

Spaghetti O's

1 box O pasta (I found this kind at Tom Thumb and haven't seen it anywhere else)
1 15 oz can tomato sauce
Garlic salt/powder

Prepare pasta as directed. Everything else is pretty much to taste...put as little or as much as you like. Heat tomato sauce and I melt about 1/2 of the velveeta. Add garlic salt/powder to taste and then add pasta. There you go! You just might get a face like this!

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